52 Weeks of Adventure

I was inspired to join Brenda from the blog, Embark: Fifty-Two Weeks of Adventure. on her fifty-two weeks of adventures for 2015. Brenda explains the challenge this way:

Embark with me as I take fifty-two adventures and re-discover the joy of ordinary life being lived to its fullest.

I challenge you to find a way to learn, to grow, to care and to breathe, each day, for fifty-two weeks. Nourish your mind, soul, heart and body. And each week, go on an adventure. “

Every week on Monday or Tuesday I post my adventure from the previous week. You can find all of my posts in this series here. You can also join the challenge by adding your link to the weekly link-up I feature at the end of each post.

Adventure # 1: Starting my bookBook Chat

Adventure #2: Visiting Bangkok


Adventure # 3: Elephant Riding and Island Hopping


Adventure # 4: Singapore and Kuala Lumpur


Adventure # 5: Making a King Cake


Adventure # 6: Grown-Up Perfume and the Board Game Cafe

Board Game Cafe

Adventure # 7: Jellyfish Salad and Stingray Sprouts

See what I mean. Awful camera and no good way to get all the food without getting the teachers.

Adventure # 8: Treat Yo Self in Seoul


Adventure # 9: Illegal Activties (Getting my Tattoo!)


Adventure # 10: Putting a Ring on It

Christina's engagement

Adventure # 11: A Visit to the Thea-truh 

Adventure # 12: Hiking Apsan 

Me, striking a traditional Korean pose. (That's not sarcastic. This is the standard pose for pictures in Korea.)

Adventure # 13: Fun Times with CoT


Adventure # 14: Unplanned Loveliness

fairy woods 

Adventure # 15: That’s So Korean and Igidae Coastal Walkway


Adventure # 16: Take Me Out to the Ball Game 


Adventure # 17: New Do , New You 

hair with bangs


    1. Thanks. 🙂 I always enjoy my time there, though I think I’m glad I don’t live there. The sheer size and all of the people can sometimes be overwhelming. But it’s fun to visit.

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